Skyrocket your Confidence at Work, Increase the Respect & Credibility your HR Contribution Deserves...
... and address the Challenges of The Employment Rights Bill with Ease

Enrol In The Virtual Employment Law Academy - Professional CPD Accredited Training You Can Achieve Alongside Your Day Job That Helps You With Your Day Job

Click to Hear from Daniel Barnett

“An excellent course. It has given me the confidence to be able to challenge HR ‘received wisdom’ with the actual legal position, and an improved ability to assess risk.”

Andrea Cheatle

HR Professional

“I knew I had to study in this area, and it was invaluable. What I didn't expect was that it would be so interesting and entertaining. The time flew.”

Gill Knowles


“Smart, engaging and exceptionally well run programme.”

Bilwa Iyer

HR Business Partner

You do a very challenging job.

One that requires a rare blend of influential people skills and deep technical knowledge for it to be done well.

The impact you have on the business you support and on the lives of those you support is significant.

It’s hard, but no doubt rewarding work.  

However the stresses and strains do take their toll.

You probably put more time and effort into your work than you should…

…especially when faced with some of those trickier issues you have to deal with.

The ones you never see coming and that require your full attention, creativity and mental energy to solve.

You inevitably find a way, but do you ever struggle with imposter syndrome?

The feeling that at some point someone is going to “find you out”?

It’s extremely common, though rarely publicly admitted in the HR profession.

If you’re not a lawyer and you find yourself dealing with the law, there’s the potential for that nagging doubt that you might just be missing something.

It can create uncertainty and undermine your confidence.

That never feels good

If you’re not careful, it can fuel any insecurities you have.

Especially if you feel you’re over your head with something and outside your comfort zone.

The new Government just made your work even MORE challenging

The Employment Rights Bill was published back in October.

You’re probably sick of hearing about it.

As you know, the government has announced it’s going to make sweeping changes to legislation covering:

Unfair Dismissal as a Right from Day One
Protection from Third Party Harassment
Flexible Working and Family Friendly Working
Limiting the use of Zero Hour Contracts
Ending Fire and Rehire
Collective Redundancy Consultation
And other changes too numerous to mention here

The Bill left more technical questions than it answered.

But unfortunately you and your profession will have to bear the heavy burden and workload of implementing these changes…

…at least once they become clear.

And while things are still uncertain, doubt, fear and worry are rife.

Here are some of the deeper questions my HR friends and colleagues are asking:

"How am I supposed to keep up with these massive changes when I'm already stretched so thin managing day-to-day issues?"

"What if I spend weeks updating contracts, policies, and systems, only for the government to change the rules again during the consultation process?"

"Will I have the time and resources to implement these changes properly, or am I setting my company up for legal risks by missing something critical?"

"How can I reassure my managers and employees when I don’t even know what the final rules will look like or when they’ll come into effect?"

"Am I going to be held responsible if my organisation gets it wrong because I didn’t prepare enough — or because I prepared too soon?"

You too?

What’s the answer?

Well, working harder isn’t an option if you want to stay healthy and live a balanced life.

Working smarter, however, is.

Archimedes once said “give me a lever big enough, and I can move the world”.

What's a powerful lever to add to your existing toolbox of skills, knowledge and experience that WILL help you work smarter, work faster and save you time…

…an addition that will raise your credibility, give you greater gravitas and authority, increase the professional respect for you AND significantly boost your confidence…?

…it's a deeper knowledge of employment law.

…and a helping hand for you to implement the many significant and complex changes the Employment Rights Bill will throw at you…

…at least once they become clear.

What Will This Deeper Knowledge And Legal Understanding Give You?

You’ll spot employment and HR law issues much earlier before they become problems that could end in litigation.
You’ll be called upon to advise the senior team even more, gaining their trust and confidence with your deeper levels of knowledge and expertise.
More people will seek you out for your advice when they realise you have the legal knowledge AND the expertise to understand how it applies in the workplace. 
You’ll start to have an even greater impact at work because your understanding of what matters and what doesn’t has increased.
You’ll have peace of knowing you are doing exactly what needs to be done to implement the Employment Rights Bill changes into your business.
…and perhaps most importantly, you’ll start to enjoy your work even more as your confidence grows.

Gaining this deeper understanding is one of those hindsight career decisions that you wish you’d made much earlier.

There’s a programme that will give you exactly that.

One that will elevate your expertise, confirm your credibility and reinforce the respect worthy of your contribution and impact on the business you support.  

It’s called the Virtual Employment Law Academy…with a secret add-on named “Project Employment Rights Bill Update”

Here’s How It Works…

There are 2 parts to this.

1. The Virtual Employment Law Academy
2. Project “Employment Rights Bill Update”

First let me explain how the Academy works, then I’ll reveal what Project “Employment Rights Bill Update” is all about.

The Virtual Employment Law Academy

There are 18 employment law modules delivered using Zoom across 2 nine-week terms following this programme:

21st January 2025
21st March 2025
22nd April 2025
20th June 2025

Term 1 Commences
Mid-Term Break
Term 2 Commences

21st January 2025
Term 1 Commences

21st March 2025
Mid-Term Break

22nd April 2025
Term 2 Commences

20th June 2025

Each module consists of a live, targeted, 60-90 minute lecture by our expert barrister tutor on an important employment law topic.

It’s then followed by an hour of Q&A where you can ask any questions you have about the subject covered in that session.

However, it’s much more than just an accredited qualification that will boost your CV, raise your standing in the HR community and help you work your way up that ladder of HR success.

You’ll learn about the practical aspects of employment law relevant to your role in a safe, supportive and inspiring community of fellow ambitious HR professionals.

Regardless of which level you enrol in at, the programme will equip you to:

Confidently advise businesses and their employees on their legal rights and obligations and so position you as a credible authority in the business.
Help your employers comply with relevant legislation and so increase the value of your strategic contribution to them as you anticipate and mitigate potential risk for them.
Protect businesses from claims through your thorough understanding of the law and how it is practically applied giving both you and your employers peace of mind.
Combat discrimination in the workplace and be the force for good, for diversity and inclusion in your business, giving you the satisfaction of a job well done.
Promote equality at work by merging good commonsense with your experience and expertise in employment law matters to increase personal respect throughout the organisation.

Every student who enrols in the Virtual Employment Law Academy automatically gets:

Live access to all 18 programme modules - so you can enjoy the sessions in real time.
Live access to all 18 Q&A sessions - to get your questions about your issues answered immediately.
Four PDF course manuals - to comprehensively capture your own personal notes and embed the learning in a brain friendly way.
Lifetime access to the module recordings - giving you the flexibility to refresh and recap at any time after the session is delivered.
Virtual Employment Law Academy Slack channel - to connect and converse with other students, discuss the nuances of the topics covered with them and learn from their experience.
Free Access To the “Employment Rights Bill Update” Project  - to give you the confidence you need to easily stay on top of the upcoming changes in the Employment Rights Bill (more information below)

If you decide to upgrade to the Premium Level (highly recommended), here are the additional benefits you receive:

Module transcripts [MASSIVE time saver] - for quick and easy reference (avoids replaying each session again)
Small group tutorial case study sessions [PRACTICAL application] - to give you confidence to practically apply the law in a variety of the common situations you encounter at work
Model case study answers [EMBEDDED learning] - to help confirm and reinforce your learning and act as a reference point for when you need them in the future.
Premium Tutorial Case Study Slack Channel [PEER LED learning] - to discuss and debate the issues that arise during the tutorial sessions.
Two written assessments [LEARNING confirmation] - so you can demonstrate what you’ve learnt and your understanding of how to apply it in the real world.
CPD accreditation [OFFICIAL recognition] - to get the respect you rightly deserve for the investment you have made in your professional development (subject to passing the written assessments).
A framed certificate of completion [PROOF of performance] - posted to you after the course to proudly hang on your wall to remind you of how you’ve elevated your expertise in your profession.
Employment Tribunal Compensation [FURTHER Education] - Lifetime Access to Daniel Barnett’s highly acclaimed course on this important and often misunderstood topic.
Lunch at Lincoln’s Inn [SOCIAL PROOF] - with your fellow Premium students hosted by Daniel Barnett to reward yourself for the time and energy you’ve invested in developing yourself.

It’s easy to see why this is our most popular level of enrolment.

We do have one final enrolment level.  It’s not for everyone and comes with some very exclusive perks not available anywhere else.

We call it:

 The Diamond Level 

Because of the additional personal attention given to students at this level by barrister Daniel Barnett himself (more about him later), we are restricting this to just six people.

If you enrol at this highly valued and much coveted level, here are the additional benefits.

Dedicated Diamond Level Slack channel - with personal access to Daniel so you can ask him any question you like about employment law when it pops into your mind and get a swift response from the man himself.
Dedicated Diamond Level WhatsApp Group - With more intimate and discrete access to Daniel.
The Complete Employment Law Library (20 volumes) - covering topics that include malingering, tribunal compensation, constructive dismissal, TUPE and changing terms and conditions.
Three months Legal Laser coaching with Daniel Barnett - unlimited 15 minute Zoom coaching sessions on any aspect of business development or HR Practice (subject to you completing any agreed tasks/homework set in the previous session)
A personalised tour of the historic and iconic Inns of Court and Temple - Join Daniel as he takes you to the very heart of our judicial system.
A formal dinner at the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn - attend as Daniel’s guest for an evening you’ll never forget.
Lifetime enrolment to the Virtual Employment Law Academy - You can join all future cohorts for free so you can keep abreast of any future developments in employment law.

IMPORTANT: The Diamond level is restricted to six people, and needs a minimum of four people to go ahead. If fewer than four students enrol, we will change your enrolment to Premium and refund the difference.

Regardless of the level you enrol at, here’s the syllabus you’ll be covering in the programme:

YOUR Virtual Employment Law Academy Syllabus 

Part 1 - An Introduction To Employment Law

Module 1: How To Navigate The Intricacies Of An Employment Contract

What can be contractually binding and what can’t.
What you should know about job advertisements and employment contracts to save you from falling foul of potential litigation.
The most important phrase to start any job description to protect you against potential breach of contract claims.
What legally must be captured in writing for employees when they begin a new contract.
How to carefully word terms and conditions to give employers the greatest flexibility in tasking newly contracted employees.
Documents that must be provided to new employees within two months of starting employment…and what happens when you don’t issue them.
What you need to know about collective agreements and individual employment contracts.
The important relationship between terms set out in staff handbooks and an employment contract.
Navigating the murky waters of implied contractual terms.
When a breakdown in mutual trust and confidence will be a breach of contract.
The five implied terms an employer is bound by in any employment contract.
The three duties every employee must perform regardless of whether they are in the contract or not.
And much, much more…

Module 2: Employee, Worker Or Contractor?  How to Tell, and Why it Matters

The biggest misunderstanding employers have over the working status of individuals in their business…this is why the Supreme Court labelled one company’s contractual terms as a “sham”.
The five reasons why employment status matters.
Exactly how to define whether someone is an employee, a worker or an independent contractor.
How a worker is different from an employee and why it is important to clearly make this distinction.
The two most likely occasions when working reality “trumps” a written contract.
The three common tests the courts use to determine the working status of an individual and how they are applied (and why one of them is not foolproof!)
How the tight definition of “personal service” affects employment status.
Understand why individuals working on zero-hour contracts will not normally be considered employees.
How the gig economy has affected worker status and what you need to know about it.
The nine useful indicators to help assess whether someone is self-employed, a worker or an employee.
The seven giveaways that point to an individual having employee or worker status.
Eight things to look for to confirm self-employed status.
And much, much more…

Module 3: Understanding Continuity of Employment, The National Minimum Wage and the Perils of Unlawful Deductions

The three possible ways an employment termination date may be calculated for an employee who’s been dismissed.
Discover the minimum length of time a break in employment needs to be for it to be considered a break in employment.
The three unique circumstances where time away from work doesn’t count towards continuity of employment but ISN’T a break in employment.
Three other circumstances where time away from work still accrues continuity of employment.
The single biggest reason for an employer why understanding the complexities of continuity is so important.
Who is entitled to the National Minimum Wage and which two types of workers are excluded.
The records every employer is legally required to keep and every employee has a right to inspect even if they no longer work for the employer.
The five payments that employers are NOT allowed to offset against the National Minimum Wage.
The four main occasions when an employer can legally make deductions from an employee's wages.
When an employee needs to give written consent for deductions from their wages (it’s not when you might think).
The seven payment types that fall under the definition of wages.
The five payment types expressly excluded from the definition of wages.
What an employment tribunal may decide if an employer fails to provide itemised pay statements.
The differences between unfair and wrongful dismissal and why one has a much lower tribunal compensation cap than the other.
And much, much more…

Part 2 - Dismissal

Module 4:  What is a Dismissal? And the Five Fair Reasons for Terminating…

The complications of language ambiguity - “was I just dismissed or not?” 
The main factor employment tribunals consider in dismissal cases where ambiguity exists.
When a four letter expletive constitutes a dismissal and when it does not!
When an employee’s utterance of “I resign” constitutes a resignation and when it does not.
How the law views the end of a limited-term contract - this may surprise you.
Why employment tribunals frown on termination by mutual consent and what must be done instead.
When a deceased employee’s estate can pursue claims for unfair dismissal, breach of contract or discrimination after their death.
What happens when a company (employer) becomes insolvent and how it affects their employees.
What some employers get very wrong about employee retirement.
The three elements that have to be present for constructive dismissal.
What can and can’t be the last straw for an employee in a constructive dismissal case
The two options an employee has when faced with an employer’s repudiatory breach of contract and what they mean in the eyes of the law.
Who qualifies for unfair dismissal claims.
The seven most common situations in which an employee can claim unfair dismissal even if they HAVEN’T been continuously employed for two years.
The three categories of employee working outside of Great Britain who fall under the jurisdiction of a UK employment tribunal.
The five potential reasons an employee can cite an employee’s dismissal as potentially  “fair”.
The reasonableness test every employment tribunal uses to assess whether a dismissal is fair or unfair.
And much, much more…

Module 5: How Capability And Qualifications Can Be Grounds For A Fair Dismissal

Why there are so few employment tribunal cases dealing with the lack of qualifications as a reason for dismissal.
The two types of capability dismissal and how they are treated differently by employment tribunals.
The difficulties of assessing an employee’s competence and how to justify an assessment of poor performance.
Why it is important to call out employee poor performance early and what happens if employers DON’T!
How tribunals apply the Acas code when assessing the reasonableness of an employee’s dismissal.
What the law says about the quality and timing of warnings given to under-performing employees.
The one thing every employee must be offered when given a performance warning to prevent falling foul of a tribunal if an unfair dismissal case is later brought.
The six things to put in writing when notifying an employee of a formal meeting to discuss a failure to improve performance.
The key question every tribunal has when dealing with ill-health dismissal cases.
The three additional questions an employment tribunal will consider before deciding whether discrimination on the grounds of ill-health was fair.
The two things an employer must do when an employee is off on long term sickness before they consider dismissal.
Why the onus on getting medical information is on the employer and not the employee in cases of long term ill health.
An employer’s obligations for offering alternative employment if an employee is unable to continue in their present role due to ill-health.
What to do if an employee has repeated short-term absences due to ill-health.
And much, much more…

Module 6: The Dos and Don’ts of Dismissing An Employee For Misconduct

The three part test employment tribunals have used for over 40 years to decide whether an employee’s dismissal for misconduct was fair.
The five step process every employer must follow before dismissing an employee for misconduct.
How an employer’s disciplinary rules and procedures should be put together and why an exhaustive list of what constitutes misconduct is NOT required.
When an error of judgement might be misconduct, and when it might not.
The difference between misconduct and gross misconduct and why it is important to know.
What the law says about the correct use of warnings in potential cases of misconduct.
The six considerations an employment tribunal will make when assessing the effect of warnings on the fairness of a conduct dismissal.
Why the law on expired warnings is in a bit of a mess and what to do instead.
The 10 point checklist of what to look for when you appoint an investigator for a misconduct investigation.
The important balance HR must adopt in cases of misconduct and what happens when that goes wrong.
Five important considerations an employer must take into account when deciding how thorough an investigation to carry out.
What to do if a relevant witness in an investigation will only provide evidence anonymously.
The Investigation Report - what it must contain and what it absolutely must AVOID doing.
How to conduct an effective disciplinary hearing without running the risk of rendering a dismissal unfair.
The right of an employee to appeal a disciplinary sanction and how an employer should manage it.
Five things a disciplinary manager (or panel) must factor into their deliberations.
When disparity in treatment for employees guilty of the same misconduct may be the right course of action.
And much, much more…

Module 7:  Redundancy Technicalities Explained

How the Employment Rights Act 1996 defines redundancy.
When a business reorganisation falls within the technical definition of redundancy.
Who qualifies for redundancy pay and how it is calculated.
The two circumstances employees lose the right to claim a redundancy payment.
The one thing every employer must provide to employees who accept alternative employment.
What an employment tribunal will look for if an employee claims their redundancy constitutes unfair dismissal.
Four methods of attacking the fairness of a redundancy dismissal that employers need to look out for.
Which four of the automatic unfair reasons for redundancy are considered the most important.
Five core factors that need to be in place before an employer can be regarded as having acted fairly.
Why the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures does NOT apply to redundancy dismissals.
The importance of employers conducting individual consultation as part of a fair redundancy process and how they should do it.
What to look out for when choosing the pool of employees for redundancy selection.
Why ‘bumping’ an employee during redundancy may be legal, but only if you do it the right way.
The right way to go about identifying your redundancy selection criteria.
How age discrimination during a redundancy process may be legally justified.
The pros and cons of using a matrix method to assign scores during a redundancy selection process and whether you should share those scores with employees.
The do’s and don’ts of offering suitable alternative employment.
What the law says about an employer’s obligation to provide an appeal against a redundancy decision.
Adjustments employers must make to not put employees on maternity, parental or adoption leave at a disadvantage during redundancy selection.
What statutory obligations an employer has to carry out collective consultation during a redundancy process.
Why it is important to know what comprises an “establishment” when redundancies are being made.
Collective consultations - who the employer should consult with, how long they should consult with them for and what the consultation should consist of.
How an employer can avoid the penalty of paying up to 90 days’ pay to all employees during a redundancy process.
How a change to terms and conditions may be a viable alternative to making employees redundant.
And much, much more…

Module 8:  TUPE and other Automatically Unfair Dismissals

The mop up provision used by employment tribunals for potentially fair dismissals that fall outside the big four (includes seven examples).
Why automatically unfair dismissal is a Day One right.
The 14 most important dismissal categories that are automatically unfair.
How TUPE protects employees against a dismissal related to a TUPE transfer.
The two types of relevant transfer to which TUPE applies.
Explained - important terminology associated with both types of TUPE transfer.
The six point checklist to establish whether a business has retained its identity following a TUPE transfer.
Three different ways TUPE is engaged in a service provision change.
What happens to an employee’s contract when there is a TUPE transfer.
Why a TUPE transfer can’t be the sole or principal reason for a dismissal.
Where the burden of proof lies in an employment tribunal dealing with an unfair dismissal case regarding a TUPE transfer.
How to interpret what constitutes an economic, technical or organisational reason for changes in the workforce.
What constitutes a “change in the workforce”.
Unpacking who carries the can for an unfair dismissal claim following a TUPE transfer.
How to understand TUPE and constructive dismissal.
Which two of the health and safety reasons for automatic dismissal you should be concerned with and why.
And much, much more…

Module 9:  Whistleblowing and the Law - How Whistleblowers Are Protected And Where Employers Get It Wrong

The five requirements for a disclosure to be a ‘qualifying disclosure’.
What employment status is required to qualify for protection as a whistleblower.
Other categories of individuals who are protected by whistleblowing legislation.
What amounts to whistleblowing detriment.
Who a worker can bring a claim for detriment against.
When a whistleblower is automatically unfairly dismissed.
Why unfair dismissal for whistleblowing is a Day One right.
Where the burden of proof lies in a whistleblowing employment tribunal.
What compensation a whistleblower can claim in respect of detriments and unfair dismissal.
How whistleblowing unfair dismissal compensation differs from ordinary unfair dismissal compensation.
The four things a successful whistleblowing Claimant can recover.
The interim relief that may be available to a whistleblower.
And much, much more…

Part 3 - Discrimination

Module 10 - An Introduction to Discrimination - Foundational Knowledge Everyone Should Know

The nine protected characteristics.
The six different types of discriminatory treatment outlined in the Equality Act 2010
Seven circumstances, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, in which an employer can be liable if they discriminate.
Who can bring a discrimination claim against an employer.
What direct discrimination is and how it is defined.
The ‘bastard defence’ - what it is and why an employer might argue it in a discrimination case.
What a comparator is, why it is critical to select the right one and the only three times you don’t need one.
The simple two word phrase that helps prove less favourable treatment to be discriminatory.
Why someone who doesn’t have a protected characteristic can still be discriminated against because of it.
Indirect discrimination - what it is and how it differs from direct discrimination.
Provision, criterion or practice (PCP) explained.
How indirect discrimination uses group based comparison.
The role of statistics in group based comparison for indirect discrimination cases.
The extra step an indirect discrimination claimant needs to make when making a case.
What an employer faced with a claim of indirect discrimination needs to demonstrate to justify it.
An understanding of what constitutes harassment and how it applies to some but not all of the protected characteristics.
Unwanted conduct - clarity on what is meant by ‘conduct’ and ‘unwanted’.
Why ‘banter’ is usually no defence for unwanted conduct.
How harassment can still occur if someone is perceived to have a protected characteristic or is just associated with someone who does.
What a claimant needs to show an alleged harasser has done to prove they’ve been discriminated against.
How the Equality Act 2010 protects claimants against victimisation for bringing their claim.
Detriments and victimisation - the law explained.
Where the burden of proof lies in discrimination cases and why it is often refered to as the ‘reverse burden of proof’.
Defences and exemptions for cases of indirect discrimination.
The liability of employers in discrimination cases - the two conditions that make the employer liable for the actions of the employee.
How an employer can use the ‘all reasonable steps’ defence to protect themselves against the actions of an employee.
And much, much more…

Module 11 - Sex Discrimination and Equal Pay

How equal pay between men and women is not covered under sex discrimination (and where is it handled by the law).
Occupational situations where sex discrimination is not applicable.
Special rules on sex harassment
What happens if an employee rejects or submits to sexual advances
Can employers insist on different dress codes for men and women?
Examples of unfavourable treatment of pregnant women
The simple clause every contract of employment should contain to protect the right of both sexes to receive the same remuneration.
The three ways a claimant can show they are engaged in equal work for an equal pay claim.
What the ‘material factor’ defence is and how an employer can use it to defend against an equal pay claim.
Why ‘gagging’ clauses don’t prevent a person from making or seeking a ‘relevant pay disclosure’ in an equal pay claim.
The new rules on preventing harassment - and what you can do to show a tribunal you've taken 'all reasonable steps'
And much, much more…

Module 12 - The Different Ways Age and Disability Discrimination Are Treated By The Law

Why age and disability discrimination require separate treatment in the eyes of the law.
How age discrimination is defined and the important factor that must be identified for discrimination to have occured.
The sneaky trick indirect discrimination claimants can use to find the most favourab’le statistics for their particular age.
What to do to ensure a potential act of age discrimination won’t be considered unlawful - and how to do it (though it’s not easy).
What an employer needs to do to be able to define retirement ages for their employees.
The two legitimate objectives an employer can demonstrate to justify age discrimination in the context of retirement.
Why employers should avoid compulsory retirement ages wherever possible.
The Acas recommendation to all employers to help avoid the risk of treating older employees differently.
What the law says about service length-related benefits.
The flexibility the Equality Act 2010 allows employers to enhance statutory redundancy benefits without offending the age discrimination provisions.
4 other exemptions to the age discrimination provisions.
Why disability discrimination requires a completely different approach from that for the other protected characteristics.
How the Equality Act 2010 defines disability and what medical conditions side-step the definition.
The physical and mental conditions excluded from the ambit of disability.
How the law defines ‘normal day-to-day activities’ when assessing the impact of a disability.
The difference between a disability and an impairment (includes a list of recognised impairments).
What employers explicitly CAN’T do or ask for when interviewing job candidates (including the five exceptions).
The definition of reasonable adjustments and when an employer has a duty to make them (including how that duty is triggered).
What positive steps employers should take under their duty to make reasonable adjustments.
How discrimination arising from disability is defined.
And much, much more…

Module 13 - Other Protected Characteristics

How the Equality Act 2010 provides protection against gender reassignment discrimination.
How certain employers can apply a requirement for an employee ‘not to be a transsexual person’.
Marriage and civil partnership discrimination claims and why they are difficult to succeed in.
Racial discrimination, including the Government’s plans for caste discrimination.
The criteria required for a group to be identified as an ‘ethnic group’.
How the Government legislates for religion and belief discrimination.
Why Luke Skywalker would not be protected under the Equality Act 2010.
The five characteristics the courts will use to identify whether a position someone takes qualifies as a ‘belief’.
Issues of religion and belief and the European Convention on Human Rights.
What happens when there are conflicts between protected characteristics.
Sexual orientation discrimination.
The two areas where discrimination is unlawful but which are not derived from the Equality Act 2010.
And much, much more…

Module 14 - Maternity and Family Friendly Rights - How The Law Helps Workers With Their Family Obligations

Why maternity and family friendly rights is such a complex legal issue and how each case should be handled.
How to address the issue of health and safety in the context of maternity.
When an employer is entitled to request a certificate confirming pregnancy when giving time off for ante-natal care and when they are not.
Agency worker rights for taking time off for ante-natal appointments.
The two components of maternity leave and how to work out when each one commences.
The three rights automatically acquired by women who take maternity leave.
Statutory maternity pay - who qualifies, who’s entitled and the impact of ‘keeping in touch days’.
How a mother can split her maternity leave and share it with her partner and how they qualify for entitlement.
How employees qualify for adoption leave and what happens if something goes wrong.
The ins and outs of establishing entitlement for the rights for paternity leave.
How and why unpaid parental leave is very different from ‘shared parental leave’.
Who is entitled to parental bereavement leave.
And much, much more…

Part 4 – Working Time, Remedies and Tribunal Claims

Module 15 - Working Time Regulations Including The Working Week, Annual Leave, Holiday Pay, And Flexible Working

Who the Working Time Regulations 1998 apply to.
The maximum 48-hour week and how average hours are calculated.
What counts as working time and how any exemptions apply.
How the legislation addresses rest breaks, rest periods and weekends.
Annual leave and holiday pay - entitlements, the leave year, when holiday can be taken and carrying leave over.
How holiday pay is calculated.
The only time that payment can be made in lieu of holiday and why rolling up holiday pay is not allowed.
The time limit for holiday pay claims.
The four ways the rights under the Working Time Regulations 1998 can be enforced.
Flexible working - eligibility and what an employer must do on receiving a request.
The action an employee may take if an employer refuses to grant a request for flexible working.
And much, much more…

Module 16 - Remedies & Compensation - How Tribunals Deal With Unfair Dismissal and Discrimination, and How Claims Can Be Settled

The three remedies tribunals have for unfair dismissal.
The five factors that will influence whether a tribunal decides to grant reinstatement or re-engagement.
How compensation for unfair dismissal is calculated.
What tribunals consider when assessing the effect of any contributory conduct and other grounds for reducing the basic compensation award.
The five situations that will trigger a minimum basic award for unfair dismissal.
How compensatory awards are calculated and the three cases where the statutory cap does not apply.
The sequence of eight steps to take to correctly calculate when award deductions should be applied.
Recoupment and how it works in compensatory award calculations.
How employment tribunal awards can be enforced and how additional penalties can be imposed.
Discrimination - the four broad categories of compensation and who awards can be made against.
Injury to feelings -the factors used to calculate levels of award.
When tribunals will and won’t award Aggravated damages.
How interest is calculated
How to factor in tax liabilities to an employment tribunal settlement/award, with worked examples.
And much, much more…

Module 17 - Settlement Agreements and Time Limits

The only three occasions parties in dispute can settle a case where an employee’s rights are contracted out of, disapplied, or compromised.
The seven features of an effective settlement agreement.
The two key functions Acas has in settling individual disputes.
The two common methods of formalising a settlement made in a tribunal.
Time limits for bringing a claim and how to calculate them for unfair dismissal and discrimination claims.
How a tribunal can use its discretion to extend a time limit for a claim.
Why a claimant CAN’T blame poor advice to apply for a time extension.
How Acas Early Conciliation affects time limits, with worked examples.
And much, much more…

Module 18 - Employment Tribunal Procedure - How to Bring and Defend an Employment Tribunal Claim

The guiding principles a tribunal follows to ensure cases are dealt with fairly and justly.
How a claimant starts a claim.
What needs to have occurred in almost all cases before a claim form is presented.
Three reasons why a judge may reject a claim submitted to the tribunal office.
The minimum response a named respondent must provide to the tribunal and when that should be submitted by.
What happens if no response has been presented by the respondent.
How a tribunal judge initially processes a submitted claim and any valid responses from respondents.
The three different tracks a case may follow after the judges initial sift.
The five things a tribunal may do at a preliminary hearing.
How a claim or a response to a claim can be amended.
What “striking out” a case means and how it can be triggered.
How to prepare for a final tribunal hearing including disclosure, bundles, witness statements, witness orders and schedule of loss. 
How a judge ensures irrelevant matters are avoided at a final hearing.
The composition of a tribunal.
The procedure to expect for the conduct of a final hearing. 
How the order of presenting the case (claimant or respondent) is determined.
When to expect a decision from the tribunal and what form it takes.
How a tribunal will decide whether to make a costs order as part of its decision.
The two ways an unhappy party can challenge a tribunal decision.
The difference between judicial mediation and judicial assessment and how they work in tribunal cases.
And much, much more…

Enrol in the Virtual Employment Law Academy Now and get this Support with the Employment Rights Bill chaos coming your way.

As soon as the legislation becomes clear, the changes will be automatically implemented into future Virtual Employment Law Academy curricula.

But that doesn’t help you now. 

The Employment Rights Bill is poised to reshape employment legislation as we know it. 

At 158 pages with 119 clauses, it’s an overwhelming legal maze… 

…and that’s before factoring in the ongoing consultation period that will shape and shift its finer details throughout 2025 and beyond. 

The truth is, staying compliant isn’t optional, and keeping up with these changes is a full-time job. 

That’s where Project “Employment Rights Bill Update” comes in. 

Me and my team of expert legal professionals are dedicated to doing the heavy lifting for you… 

…monitoring every twist and turn of the bill’s evolution, decoding its implications, and distilling it into clear, actionable steps tailored to employers. 

Let’s face it: the responsibility to adopt the Employment Rights Bill into your business falls squarely on your shoulders.

But that’s not an easy job.

You’re already juggling a mountain of daily tasks.
You can’t afford the risk of missing critical updates.
And the government isn’t exactly making it easy to navigate the chaos.

So you shouldn’t have to tackle this alone.

Introducing Project “Employment Rights Bill Update” To Keep You Up To Date With EVERY Change

That’s why I created the Employment Rights Bill Update — an essential service designed to keep you informed, prepared, and compliant every step of the way.

Here’s What The Employment Rights Bill Update Will Give You Throughout 2025:

1. Quarterly Live Update Webinars: Stay ahead with exclusive live webinars (March, June, September, December) breaking down the latest developments in plain, actionable language.

2. Priority Q&A Access: Submit any questions in advance and get expert answers tailored to your needs.

3. On-Demand Access: Video recordings, audio files (perfect for your commute), and transcripts of each webinar for quick reference anytime.

4. HR Compliance Checklists: A detailed checklist after each update to assess your organisation's readiness and compliance.

5. Mini-Training for Managers: Bite-sized video training to help line managers understand the changes effectively without overwhelming them.

6. Interactive Action Planning: Step-by-step, fillable worksheets to prioritise and execute the changes with confidence.

7. Private Employment Rights Bill WhatsApp Group: Connect with fellow HR professionals to share insights and strategies in a supportive, invite-only community.

When I officially launch The Employment Rights Bill Update in March 2025, it will be £297 per quarter or £997 for the year.

***You get the FULL £997 +VAT Employment Rights Bill Update for FREE***

But here’s the good news: if you sign up for the Virtual Employment Law Academy, you’ll get FREE ACCESS FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR — yes, completely free.

This is my way of helping you get a head start, build confidence, and protect your organisation through this unprecedented period of change.

Don’t let the Employment Rights Bill catch you off guard—get the clarity, tools, and confidence you need with Employment Rights Bill Update.

Combined with what you’ll learn in the Virtual Employment Law Academy, you will be unstoppable in 2025 and beyond.

There’s More - Here’s A FREE Headstart For You On What To Expect From the Employment Rights Bill Update in 2025 (Worth £165 +VAT)

In October 2024 I ran a paid 3 hour seminar outlining my initial analysis of the Employment Rights Bill as soon as it was released.  

I’m now calling it “Employment Rights Bill Revealed”  

It was my first deep dive into the information released by the government. 

Here’s what you got if you attended:

You got the complexities of the Employment Rights Bill clarified for you
You were given my legal insights on the Government’s Intentions
I explained the real-world Impact for Employers and HR professionals like you
You were shown the key timelines and hidden details not immediately obvious to the untrained eye
You were equipped with best comprehensive resources available right now

The recordings are now listed on my website for £165 +VAT. 

When you sign up for the Virtual Employment Law Academy today, I will give you full access for free.

Video recording to watch at your convenience
Audio recording to listen on your daily commute
Full transcript of the seminar for easy review
A comprehensive workbook
The Employments Right Bill

This gives you a flavour of what to expect from the Employment Rights Bill Update in 2025 AND gives you a headstart on understanding how to manage what the government is about to throw at you.

You Also Get A FREE Personal Copy Of The Employment Law Handbook (Worth £95) When You Enrol at Premium Level

The latest edition of this invaluable handbook provides you with a comprehensively updated overview of employment law. 

It is the perfect companion to your Virtual Employment Law Academy studies. 

This book is suitable for employment lawyers, HR professionals, trade union officials, tribunal advocates and people with an interest in employment law. 

This is what Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court 2012-2017 said about the Handbook:

"This book makes employment law simple...I commend it as a reliable, user-friendly and clear guide to anyone with an employment law problem."

And my team will send it to you for FREE with your enrolment.

The Employment Law Handbook covers:

Employment status
Unfair and wrongful dismissal
Transfer of undertakings
Health & safety at work
Remedies and compensation
Tribunal procedure

Now Meet your Virtual Employment Law Academy Who Will Guide You Through Exactly What You Need To Know

Your Course Director

Daniel Barnett is an experienced and successful barrister highly regarded for his employment and HR law expertise.  He is passionate about helping professionals like you understand the law better to make your job easier for you.

He has appeared in many Court of Appeal and Employment Appeal Tribunal cases together with complex High Court employment litigation. He also appears regularly in employment tribunals up and down the country and enjoys sharing his experiences with the HR community..

His areas of work include:

unfair dismissal claims,
whistleblowing and discrimination claims, 
collective redundancy disputes, 
restrictive covenant cases,
employees who misuse their employer's confidential information,
trade union disputes (including compulsory recognition applications to the CAC).
deeply process, understand and communicate the changes in the Employment Rights Bill so you don’t have to

His employer clients include a member of the Royal Family, several international airlines, a global leisure industry company and telecommunications company, as well as many hundreds of SMEs. 

Employee clients range from senior executives of quoted companies through to David & Victoria Beckham's nanny. 

He has sat on various Bar Council committees and is a member of the Staff Committee and Bar Representation Committees of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. 

Daniel is also a media figure and is called on regularly to comment on television and radio on current legal issues.

He is the presenter of the LBC Legal Hour, broadcasting every Saturday evening at 9pm across the UK, in which he answers legal questions from LBC callers.

He is well known for his forthright, honest and clear answers to even the most challenging questions.

He is the author or co-author of twenty books, including the highly regarded Handbook on Employment Law.

…But more importantly for you, he is also a highly engaging and thought provoking speaker well known for bringing alive the intricacies of employment law in an entertaining manner...

“Daniel Barnett is brilliant. He knows every answer. Fantastic”

Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio & TV Presenter

Your Course Tutor

Daniel delivers an excellent programme, but when you enrol on the Premium or Diamond packages you’ll also get the chance to work with the amazing and incredibly experienced John Sprack as your course tutor.

John has extensive experience practicing as an employment law barrister.  He’s also been an employment judge for 15 years, presiding over hundreds of employment tribunals.  

He taught employment law on the Bar Course at the Inns of Court School of Law and has delivered over 200 CPD courses on various aspects of employment law.

John’s insights and knowledge are an absolutely priceless addition to the discovery and learning experience you’ll enjoy on the programme.  

So you’ll get direct input from someone who’s been an employment law barrister, who’s taught employment barristers AND who’s judged them.

Not only that, John has an incredibly relaxed style that our previous students found extremely welcoming and encouraging.

Daniel and John will make this a VALUABLE use of your time.

Programme Support

Daniel and John are supported by an incredible group of people, including MEGAN McDONALD, who is in charge of the day-to-day running of the Virtual Employment Law Academy.

 Meg will be on hand to help you with any questions you may have about the programme.  She is your first point of call and will go the extra mile to make sure your experience of the Academy is a fabulous one (as demonstrated by the numerous mentions our admin team has in our many testimonials).

But don’t just take our word for it.  Here’s what just a few of our successful programme graduates say about the Virtual Employment Law Academy.

Testimonials From Previous Virtual Employment Law Academy Graduates

“The course has been so beneficial in understanding more of the risks involved in the day to day running in supporting an HR dept. So much I didn’t know and now feel much better equipped!”

Corinne Marchand

“It’s amazing how Daniel manages to pack so much into two hour sessions – the content and delivery are so well pitched. If you want to know what employment law is about, this is the perfect course for you.”

Nick Denys

“This course has given me the confidence from giving just good advice to giving advice with a bit more oomph and confident reasoning behind it. I have come from a corporate world where I had a legal department to always rely on, as a HR Consultant this course has definitely given me more confidence in my ability.”

Shivani Halford

“If you need a practical, detailed and invaluable overview of all aspects of employment law then this course is right for you. This has been vital for me and worth every single penny, can’t wait to put the lessons into practice.”

Emma Vernon

“I have found the course invaluable.  It has brought all the strands of employment law together for me and I have learned so much.  Daniel is an outstanding presenter with the right amount of humour along the way.  I would highly recommend this to anyone in the world of HR!  Thank you.”

Lynn Rozier

“Everyone should attend this course; managers and HR alike. The way the course and content are structured means it is appropriate for entry-level and experts alike! Highly recommended!”

Freya Lunn

“I enjoyed the course and found out lots of information that helps with day to day HR, not just the  employment law side.”

Janine Toulson

“Excellent Course.  Whether it is a confidence boost that is needed or reaffirming years of knowledge the course is pitched perfectly and inclusive to all.  Daniel and Jennie have done a fantastic job  in putting it all together.”

Andrew Snell

“The greater awareness of how day to day issues relate to the statutory provisions has been  excellent and invaluable.”

Paul Himple

“Daniel has the rare ability of being able to distill volumes of information into simple steps and then bring those steps alive.”

Edward Lowe

“This has been brilliantly pitched, a great balance between theory and practice, which is where Daniel excels above all others; this course should be part of CIPD qualification …”

Alan Kitto

“It is great to be able to use the information straight away after doing each module. Fantastic course and sorry it has to end. Both Daniel and Jennie have been excellent!”

Diana Wilks

“The course was very well organised and efficient. The course content was incredibly informative and well presented. The Q&A sessions and tutorials were further supportive to improve your knowledge, understanding and your retention. Amazing course.”

Kerry Rose

“An enjoyable run through employment law with a valuable link to current case law presented in a straightforward and understandable format.”

Laura Nye

“My confidence around the application of employment law has greatly increased.”

Sarah Jones

“The VELA is a very efficient way to either learn more or review the knowledge you already have.  A great mixture of practical webinars together with case studies and tutorials – all overlaid with efficient administration.”

Mike Clyne

“It gave me the confidence to realise that I can remember my employment law and now feel I could return to this area of work after a 12 year break”

Emma Patchett

“I have been looking for a course like this for a long time. I read Employment Law books and this course has helped to bring my knowledge together. I would recommend going on (at least) the Premium package. I went back and watched the recordings again. I plan to do this in the future if I have any situations which come up at work! The tutorials also helped us to apply what we had learned in a safe environment with other students. Would recommend!”

Jessica Hutchinson

“A great course, making the complex world of employment law much clearer, enabling me to respond to my clients’ complex people queries with renewed confidence, understanding and pragmatic advice.”

Lisa Brandwood

This Is A Great Programme, But What If You Think The Virtual Employment Law Academy Is Not For You?

What if you think you’re just too busy to do this right now?

I’ll be honest with you, this is the most common excuse I get for not joining the Virtual Employment Law Academy.

I get it. This is an intensive additional legal training that will elevate the impact you will have in the work you do.

It will elevate your standing in your business and in the wider HR community.

But it will take an investment of your time.

You don’t rise to the top 5% of your profession without some sacrifice. It would be foolish to think otherwise.

I know that you know that.

But it shouldn’t stop you.

Which is why I have designed the Virtual Employment Law Academy to be far more time flexible than my more expensive competitors.

Here’s what I’ve done.

I’ve spread the syllabus over 2 short nine week terms to give you a manageable weekly workload.

There’s even a 4 week break between terms to allow you to catch up if you need to.

Every module sessions is recorded. So you don’t even have to turn up live and disrupt your busy work schedule.

You can watch the replay at your convenience or you can listen to the recording on your daily commute.

If you spend at least 30 minutes a day commuting to work then you can catch up on the entire week without changing ANYTHING about your schedule.

Even if you work from home, walking the dog is a great time to catch up on the week’s training.

Should I even need to mention you can watch or listen to the replays on 1.5-2x speed to consume it even quicker?

And then there are the transcripts of each module if you opt for the Premium level package.

These make it even easier to review what’s been covered, especially once you have watched the replays.

Your complimentary access to the Virtual Employment Law Academy's Slack channel also gives you access to some of the sharpest, brightest and most experienced HR professionals in the business.

So you can get to answers faster by drawing on the knowledge and expertise of your peers, saving you even more time.

Side Note - This is definitely A TIME SAVER for you.

Your participation in the Virtual Employment Law Academy will actually SAVE you much more time in the long run than it will take to complete the programme.


Because the upgrade in your skills and knowledge will give you a multitude of shortcuts to solutions to the employment issues you face…

…especially when you quickly and easily implement our recommendations for the Employment Rights Bill changes (while your less fortunate colleagues without the Employment Rights Bill Update stress out as they scramble around trying to make sense of it on their own).

What if you think it costs too much?

After the “I’m too busy” excuse, I am usually hit with the “It costs too much” excuse.

I am known for being a blunt straight talker, so let me be honest with you.

It’s going to cost you if you DON’T upgrade your practical understanding of employment law.

Working in HR is going to get even busier and require a more complex understanding of legal matters.

That’s a given even without the impending workload surge that The Employment Rights Bill will send your way.

The profession will demand even more of you over the next couple of years.

And with the legal and practical understanding the Virtual Employment Law Academy gives you, your services will be at a premium.

You’ll become even more valuable and indispensable which will have a positive impact on your potential earnings and future career prospects.

Remember the law will follow you everywhere you go.

Make it your friend now and it will serve you profitably for years to come.

So for as little as about £100 a module, this is incredible value…especially when you can spread payments over 6 months.

What if you’re not sure you need a deeper understanding of employment law?

I am sure I don’t need to remind you of the importance of your “boots on the ground” understanding of the people in your business.

That’s why when an issue with an employee arises, you are perfectly placed to deal with it and find a quick resolution.

If the answer isn’t immediately obvious, you consult the policy….you follow the procedure.

But what if it is still unresolved?

Then what?

You may have to hand it over to an employment solicitor.

But you still need to stay involved.

You still have so much to offer in the matter to support your business and the employee concerned.

Completing the Virtual Employment Law Academy will put you in a commanding position to understand, contribute and influence the issue to a satisfactory conclusion for everyone…

…even if it has to go to a tribunal.

This will give you even greater levels of professional AND personal satisfaction.

What if you see the value, but your organisation won’t pay for this?

I’ll be bold here.

Funding your attendance at the Virtual Employment Law Academy WILL save your company money.

Here’s why.

There’s no doubt you know what you are doing.

There’s no doubt you have extensive HR experience and knowledge (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this).

However, what happens when you reach the limit of legal knowledge you’re personally comfortable with?

What then?

Consulting an employment law solicitor is often the next logical step.

If you don’t have in-house counsel that will cost you between £100-£400 an hour.

Those charges soon mount up.

But, with an even stronger legal knowledge foundation, you won’t need to ask as many questions.

Or if you do, you will be a more informed customer and will be able to ask even better questions.

That can save your company hundreds if not thousands of pounds in legal fees every year.

Those savings will more than cover the cost of the investment.

This is why your attendance is such a good business decision with a tangible and quickly recovered ROI.

I’ll also add that the FREE Employment Rights Bill Update bonus you get by enrolling in the Virtual Employment Law Academy will help you and your company navigate the Employment Rights Bill minefield heading your way.

It’ll help you AVOID costly litigation that less informed HR professionals and their organisations will inevitably fall foul of.

What if you think you’ll find it too difficult or complicated?

This is an easy one to address for you.

You are not starting from ground zero when you join the Virtual Employment Law Academy.

You already know far more than you think.

And coupled with your existing HR experience, you’ll be able to give every module greater practical context.

Far more than any undergraduate studying employment law full time could.

So you have an advantage over them.

But to give you peace of mind, I’ve structured each module to lay it out clearly and as simply as I possibly can for you.

And if you join the Premium Level, you’ll also have the added benefit of small group tutorial sessions to get even greater clarity and understanding.

This is a great confidence booster even for the most seasoned HR professional.

Fortunately we have our secret weapon

Your programme Director and Lead Tutor - Employment Law Barrister (and LBC presenter) Daniel Barnett.

His presentation style is engaging, educational and even entertaining. He has designed the modules so you’ll find them easy to digest, practical and interactive.

He also sprinkles every module with numerous real word examples from case law and his own vast experience.

Yes, you’ll need to think.

But, you’ll enjoy doing it in the Virtual Employment Law Academy.

If you work in-house then here’s how you’ll reap the benefits of this investment:

You’ll save on legal fees because you’ll be able to advise the board about more aspects of employment law instead of hiring an expensive lawyer for the questions you’ll now be able to answer.
You’ll help your business avoid any costly reputational damage by identifying risks before they become a problem.
You’ll be able to reduce the financial implications of any employment tribunals brought against your organisation.
You’ll be able to ask better quality questions of any dedicated legal advisor you need to use and push back where necessary and so reduce the cost of their services. 
By blending your understanding of employment law with your people skills you’ll reduce the likelihood of situations ending up in expensive litigation.
And by being able to keep your finger on the pulse of the Employment Rights Bill updates, you’ll keep your business safe AND implement the changes much quicker and far easier than your peers WITHOUT that knowledge.
But more importantly for you, you’ve just become more valuable to your employer and so can justify salary increases and promotions.  The added qualification may well be what keeps you employed if you ever face a potential redundancy situation.

For Independent HR Consultants the benefits also include:

Raising your fees because your levels of service have just been elevated to an even higher level.
You can broaden your portfolio of offerings to your clients to give them more to buy from you and thus increase your revenue and ultimately cash you put in your pocket.
The time you’ll save with your greater understanding of the law means you’ll be able to do more for your clients and therefore bill them for more.
Personal satisfaction and professional pride from helping your clients stay on the right side of the new Employment Rights Bill

Why You Enrolling In The Virtual Employment Law Academy Is A Cost Effective, Value For Money Decision For You Right Now

At the   Premium Level   you only pay about £100 for each module and tutorial session to gain all these benefits.

That’s it!

So you’ll get massive short term, medium term and long term value for such a small investment whether you are paying for this yourself or your employer is funding it

We estimate if you’re an active HR professional, you're likely to make savings to recover the cost of your investment within 6-12 months.

There’s no doubt to avoid being left behind in HR, you HAVE to update your knowledge and skills in employment law.

So if not the Virtual Employment Law Academy, who do you grow and develop with?

Yes, I have competitors.

Let me tell you this about them.

They are qualified and well meaning providers.


You will pay more than DOUBLE and even TRIPLE the cost of the Virtual Employment Law Academy for their legal training…

For example:

University of Leicester LLM - £10,950 (Online)
University of Law LLM - £11,900 (Online)
CIPD Level 7 (now advanced diploma) - £3,000 - £7,000

By all means, enrol in one of my competitors’ training (reach out to Meg and she will send you the links to their courses)…

…if you can take the risk that it might not cover what you need AND be far less cost effective.

So you see, your investment in the Virtual Employment Law Academy is a very good decision right now.

But here’s the thing…

…having seen how much more my competitors are getting people to pay for far less than I am providing…

I expect to increase my prices by £1000-£2000 next year for the cohort after this one.

So this is likely to be the last time you will get access to the Virtual Employment Law Academy at such a low price.

I encourage you to take advantage of this while you still can.

“I have really enjoyed the VELA, it’s been years since I studied for my CIPD and I have been managing with the odd webinar and legal briefing when things changed.  This was a great way to do a very thorough refresher (and update) for me. It was pitched at the right level for me as an experienced HR professional and delivered in a way that translated how the laws actually apply in everyday practice.”

Karen Donovan

“The VELA provided me with information that I didn’t know I didn’t know.  Having worked in HR for 25 years I thought that I had information about most topics, although some not in great detail, but this course provided me with topics that i had never come across before.  Daniel was informative, fun and quick to answer specific queries.  I would recommend this course to anyone in HR whether you’re new to it or have been doing it for years.”

Emily Stack

“The course was extremely detailed. Daniel made the sessions energetic, interesting and methodical in the way it was delivered. As a solicitor wanting to recap on employment law I found it excellent. Would wholeheartedly recommend.”

Daniel George Peacock

“I very much enjoyed participating in the Virtual Employment Law Academy and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone involved in HR. The course has greatly expanded my employment law knowledge and is already proving hugely beneficial in my work with co-ops and community businesses.  The modules were well-structured and engaging, and I appreciated the opportunities to ask clarification questions.”

Abbie Kempson

Enrol In The Virtual Employment
Law Academy



Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the VELA slack channel
End of programme drinks party

Payment Plans Now Available!

 6 monthly payments of £269 +VAT 

Payment Plans Now Available!

 6 monthly payments of £449 +VAT 

Best Value



Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the VELA slack channel
End of programme drinks party
Transcripts of all 18 modules
8 small group tutorial sessions
Detailed case studies with model answers 
Access to the Premium students only Slack channel
Two written assessments
CPD accreditation (subject to passing written assessments)
Framed certificate of completion
Course on Employment Tribunal Compensation
Lunch at the famous and prestigious Lincoln’s Inn



Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the VELA slack channel
End of programme drinks party
Transcripts of all 18 modules
8 small group tutorial sessions
Detailed case studies with model answers 
Access to the Premium students only Slack channel
Two written assessments
CPD accreditation (subject to passing written assessments)
Framed certificate of completion
Course on Employment Tribunal Compensation
Six months' unlimited laser coaching with Daniel Barnett
Dedicated Slack channel with personal access to Daniel
Private WhatsApp group with personal access to Daniel
All 15 volumes of the Employment Law Library
Personalised tour of Inns of Court and Temple
Formal dinner at the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
Complimentary place at all of Daniel’s live seminars (until Oct 2025)
Enrolment into all future cohorts of the Virtual Employment  Law Academy

Payment Plans Now Available!

 6 monthly payments of £959 +VAT 

Enrol in the Virtual Employment Law Academy Now

Enrolment closes 5pm Friday 17th January 2025


(register below)


6 monthly payments of £345 +VAT 

Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the Virtual Employment Law Academy Slack channel

Your Bonus Package

• 1 year FREE access to the Employment Rights Bill Update (Value £997)

• Employment Rights Bill Revealed Recordings & Resources (Value £165)

Most Popular


(register below)


 6 monthly payments of £515 +VAT 

Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the Virtual Employment Law Academy's Slack channel
Transcripts of all 18 modules
8 small group tutorial sessions
Detailed case studies with model answers 
Access to the Premium students only Slack channel
Two written assessments
CPD accreditation (subject to passing written assessments)
Framed certificate of completion
Course on Employment Tribunal Compensation
Lunch at the famous and prestigious Lincoln’s Inn

Your Bonus Package

• 1 year FREE access to the Employment Rights Bill Update (Value £997)

• Employment Rights Bill Revealed Recordings & Resources (Value £165

• Employment Law Handbook (Value £95)


(register below)


6 monthly payments of £989 +VAT 

Live access to all 18 modules
Live access to each module Q&A session
Four pdf manuals
Lifetime access to all module and Q&A recordings
Access to the Virtual Employment Law Academy's Slack channel
Transcripts of all 18 modules
8 small group tutorial sessions
Detailed case studies with model answers 
Access to the Premium students only Slack channel
Two written assessments
CPD accreditation (subject to passing written assessments)
Framed certificate of completion
Course on Employment Tribunal Compensation
Three months' unlimited laser coaching with Daniel Barnett
Dedicated Slack channel with personal access to Daniel
Private WhatsApp group with personal access to Daniel
All 15 volumes of the Employment Law Library
Personalised tour of Inns of Court and Temple
Formal dinner at the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
Complimentary place at all of Daniel’s live seminars (until Oct 2025)
Enrolment into all future cohorts of the Virtual Employment  Law Academy

Your Bonus Package

• 1 year FREE access to the Employment Rights Bill Update (Value £997)

• Employment Rights Bill Revealed Recordings & Resources (Value £165

• Employment Law Handbook (Value £95)

HR Inner Circle Member Discount

Please note - If you’re an existing HR Inner Circle member, you get a 25% discount when you enrol using your discount code, regardless of the level you choose. 

We’re So Confident Enrolling in the Virtual Employment Law Academy (AND getting FREE access to the Employment Rights Bill Update) is the Right Decision for You... Here’s Your 

 120% No Risk Guarantee 

Take action and enrol now.  

If you’re not fully satisfied with any aspect of the Academy at any time BEFORE the end of the first term, just let us know and we’ll refund all your fees PLUS 20% EXTRA* on top within 3 working days.

That’s right…

I Will Refund Your Fees AND Give You A 20% 'Thank You For Trying' Bonus

So you have absolutely nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.  

All of the risk is on us to provide you with a top notch experience coupled with long term value.

We’re so very comfortable doing this for you because we know once you enrol, you’ll find what you learn so valuable, you’ll want to complete the entire programme.

Before you decide though, let’s be very clear about who the Virtual Employment Law Academy is for.

It’s only for ambitious and dedicated professionals who want to accelerate and increase their impact by investing in themselves to gain a significant edge over others in the field.  

If you’re just plodding along and are content with just getting by, then this is probably not for you.  

However if you’ve read this far, it’s likely you’re driven to raise your professional game by increasing your knowledge and skills in a way that puts you well into the top 5% of HR professionals.

Sound like you?

Then enrolling in the Virtual Employment Law Academy is definitely the RIGHT DECISION for you.

Enrol now and come join a select band of HR Professionals with the confidence to challenge the status quo and make an even bigger impact in the workplace.

(* You can get a 100% refund just by asking.  We'll issue it within 3 working days with no questions asked.  To qualify for the extra 20% on top, Essential students must have attended 5 out of the 9 lectures in the first term. Premium students must have attended 2 out of the 4 tutorials to qualify for extra 20%.)

Final Thoughts - The Virtual Employment Law Academy WILL skyrocket your confidence at work.

Here’s why - you’ll deal with even the most complex legal issues in a way that enhances your credibility, increases your personal impact and fosters even greater respect for your contribution to everyone in the business.  

And you will be even better prepared to deal with the heartache, frustration and uncertainty the Employment Rights Bill WILL throw at you in 2025 and beyond.

So enrol now to make sure you don’t miss out on this career enhancing move that puts you ahead of your competition.

More Testimonials From Satisfied Graduates Of The Virtual Employment Law Academy

“A very good course which represents exceptional value for money. If you want an employment refresher – it’s ideal. If you want to learn more employment basics – it’s ideal. I have no hesitation in recommending this course – and I have not been paid to say this!”

Sean Kennedy

“Daniel Barnett delivered the course in a clear, engaging and interactive way. The course is great value for money, and I really do feel that I have gained a solid understanding of some very important areas of employment law. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and I would recommend it.”

Tia McAleese

“The course covers so much that is very relevant & useful to HR practitioners. It’s an extremely valuable refresher to those of us who qualified years ago!”

Emma Beattie

“This was a great overall Employment Law course. The workbooks and the textbooks were really helpful and are great reference points for the future. The case references are invaluable and really helpful to reinforce case advice. Daniel’s presentations are very clear and Jenny is amazing, too! John Sprack is so informative and the tutorials are a great benefit to reinforce knowledge. Thank you!”

Liz Hollobon

“This course is excellent for those who are new to HR and employment law. It covers both the practical and theoretical aspects, and is arguably more useful for HR professionals than a CIPD course.”

Kevin Parry

“Very comprehensive and Daniel explains subjects clearly. There is a lot to take in but it is reassuring to have the workbooks and recordings to hand should I need them afterwards, and the Slack community was a great idea too. Content was really helpful to be able to advise clients going forward.”

Natalie Rodda

“I really enjoyed the course and no matter how experienced you are in the world of HR you will pick up something new in every module.”

Mandy Brearley

“The course was perfectly pitched for experienced HR professionals looking to gain a more in depth understanding of the legislation which underpins so much of our work. The course was concise, clear, fast paced and very well presented. The tutorials ensured we had an opportunity to reflect on the lectures and put it all into practice. Loads and loads of opportunities for questions! It has been brilliant – thank you.”

Diane Secker

“The [Virtual Employment Law Academy] was an invaluable course for me. There aren’t any other employment training courses which are even closely comparable. Daniel has an incredible depth of knowledge and made him the perfect teacher for this course. From the first session, I was able to approach my work differently and use my learning every day at work. The knowledge I have gained has helped me to advise vulnerable clients and explain their rights and how to move forward. This course is an absolute must for anybody dealing with employment law.”

Lucy Brierley

“This was a great opportunity to provide a structured refresher of areas that I knew about and to learn more about aspects that I was aware of but had less knowledge. The workbooks will be great for future reference.”

Claire Hollister

“I joined on the premium level, having held an MA in HR which covered employment law back in 2005. Whilst I feel that I keep up to date with case law, I have found Daniel’s invaluable to not only reinforce what I already knew and give me the confidence when answering employment queries from clients, but I have picked up numerous other gems that I have called upon straight away whilst undertaking the course. Thanks so much Daniel as always”.

Alison Lambert

“This course is excellent. It has huge benefits from Daniel presenting but also from the other delegates. Great discussion, great questions and Fantastic value add. Well worth attending each time it runs!”

Lucy Bolton

“Although I couldn’t attend all the live sessions, the recorded videos that were uploaded shortly after were easy to find and great to catch up to. The course has been brilliant for me as an Independent HR Consultant to both confirm my knowledge and understanding, but also provide those refreshers and updates that we all need to ensure the advice we provide is accurate.  I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to anyone who deals with HR and employment law matters in their day to day job.”

Sarah Horne

“I started studying for the CILEX CPQ shortly before this course and Daniel’s concise explanations have really helped me get to grips with some of the more complex wording and given me a much better idea of how to translate the facts to relate them to real life examples.”

Emily Hannell

“I found the course extremely helpful and would recommend it to anyone working in a relevant role. In particular, as an independent HR Consultant working alone, it’s been so useful – so much so that it really should be made compulsory! I only wish I’d done this course  years ago when I first started – but, it’s never too late to increase knowledge and most of all, confidence. 

Huge thanks to Daniel and to Jennie for everything – it’s made and will make such a difference to my professional career.”

Katherine Duff

“The course was great, it’s a great reminder of things you know but have forgotten along with learning loads and loads of new information. Also it was so practical & pragmatic that I was able to use my knowledge immediately…..well worth the time and money!”

Olivia Flattery

“As a HR Services Manager the focus of my role tends to lean towards Systems, Processes and Admin. This course has been a fantastic way to improve my Employment Law knowledge not only for my own development and interest but also to enable me to more confidently deal with internal queries in future.  Daniel was interesting and engaging throughout and I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to HR professionals at any level.”

Kathryn Holder

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course, it was informative in an easy to understand way and at no point did I feel overwhelmed by the information.  It was pacey without being rushed or over laboured.  Daniel’s style  is relaxed and he took time to answer questions. and check that his explanations were clear and understood.   I feel much more confident in my ability to advise my organisation. Many thanks to Daniel and Jennie.”

Carolyn Ivens

“After many years working in Employment Law, I came in wondering if there was anything I didn’t know, so gave it a go. I realised very quickly how much I had forgotten or indeed didn’t already know.”

Patrick McNamee

“The course was so useful to have a refresher on employment law and has increased my confidence to advise my clients on where the risks lie for them.”

Louise Dale

“As a recent graduate I have found that the Virtual Employment Law Academy is much more clear and concise than university lectures. The VELA dives into depth on the definitions and practicality of the laws surrounding employment law and I would strongly recommend it.”

Shane Moran

“It was exceptional in the way it was presented clearly and in detail with an opportunity to ask questions.  In my case it has been extremely complex working in HR in the care sector, even with over 20 years experience.  This course has been invaluable.”

Adrienne Rosen

“I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to participate in this course and learn so much from Daniel.  I have appreciated his enthusiasm, commitment and humour in making this an enjoyable learning experience.  Having returned to an HR role after many years, the course has generally been very helpful and will give me confidence in my work.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge.”

Angela Coote

“For those wondering if they should pay for this course, don’t hesitate, it has supported me in the advice I provide and is a thoroughly helpful resource. Daniel is a excellent communicator or law and Jenny’s organisation is second to none.”

Claire Banner

The course was excellent. I have looked around for specific employment law courses but found nothing suitable until Daniel ran the Academy. Put simply, I now know a lot more than I did [at the start] which will help me to be a much more informed and timely source of advice for our HR and business teams. Interesting, enjoyable and excellent value for money.”

Jonathan Goodger

“The course is a good refresher for those of us who studied our employment law modules a long, (long) time ago. It was very much like being in a university lecture hall again. I would recommend this course to people who want to have a good grasp of the basics of employment law”

Tracy Madgwick

“I found the course really beneficial as a general refresher of employment law. I am a trained lawyer who gave up practicing law many years ago to look after my son whilst young. When he started school I started working for the citizens advice part time and had to refresh my knowledge of employment law whilst working for them. If this course had existed back then it would have been really useful to have done at that point.”

Emma-marie Layton

“The course has helped me validate my knowledge but more importantly has helped me develop in areas I didn’t have much experience in. I have already started to share what I’ve learnt with my team and with my clients.”

Rachel Goodman

“As a trade union officer I have found the course enormously helpful  I feel like I’ve done a condensed employment law masters course!  It has provided me with so much concrete evidence and hard facts to help me win for members in casework.  I am recommending this course to all my colleagues – so glad you will be running it again I expect you will be inundated with applicants.”

Diane Fletcher

“I joined the HR world in October 2021 and have been learning on the job since. Every day is a school day and being 6 months in, this course brought everything I have learnt together.  Daniel was engaging, creative and the finer detail of each topic gave me a methodical, yet clearer understanding as I continue my journey. ROLL ON NEXT YEAR!”

Danny Wright

“I’ve used resources created and run by Daniel Barnett for a couple of years now and would highly recommend to any HR professional/TU Rep. He manages to deliver information at such a level and in such a style that makes it easy to absorb and retain plus the handouts make for great guides to refer back to.  Daniel covers a wide range of topics that anyone dealing with employment law matters would find very helpful and informative.”

Tristan Ashby


How much does it cost?

We've got three packages for you to choose from: Essential, Premium and Diamond. You can view the full details and prices here.

Are there any discounts available?

We offer six full scholarships to the Virtual Employment Law Academy.
Scholarship applications closed on 30 December 2024. The winners have been notified.

Can I pay by invoice?

Sorry, no. Our systems are automated and we require payment by card.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, you can select that option when you enrol. 

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, we offer a full guarantee. If you’re not happy with anything about the course, tell us at any time before the end of term one and we will refund you 100% of the fees you have paid.  It will hit your bank account within three working days of you asking.  

PLUS we offer an additional 20% Thank You For Trying Us Bonus Refund (so effectively a 120% refund). To qualify for the 20% bonus, if you are an Essential student, you must have attended 5 out of the 9 modules in the first term. If you are a Premium student, you must have attended 2 out of the 4 tutorials in the first term.

How do I know which package is right for me?

We've got three packages you choose from: Essential, Premium and Diamond. We think the Premium package is the best value, but it’s up to you! You can view the full details of each package and the prices here.

Is the course accredited?

Yes! If you opt for the Premium or Diamond package, the course is accredited by CPDUK (subject to successful completion of the two assessments).

Will Daniel and John be presenting all the sessions?

Daniel will present almost all the lectures, and John will supervise all the tutorials. Daniel is scheduled to be elsewhere for sessions 6 and 7 (25 Feb and 4 Mar) and those two sessions will be presented by Darren Newman. 

Darren’s journey in employment law began in 1990, where he honed his skills writing for the prestigious IDS Brief journal. His expertise propelled him to the position of Head of Employment Law at the Chemical Industries Association. What sets Darren apart is his commitment to making employment law accessible and practical for organisations of all sizes. He firmly believes that this crucial field should not be the exclusive domain of lawyers.

When do the lectures take place?

The lectures take place at 10am on Tuesdays, there are nine in each term.

What if I can’t make all the sessions?

All the sessions will be recorded for you to watch at your leisure, however attending live gives you the chance to take part in the discussion and Q&A. 

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, the recordings will be uploaded to the website shortly after each session.

Will there be a transcript available?

Yes, for anyone enrolled on the Premium and Diamond packages. 

Can I download all the dates into my diary?

Yes absolutely, you can subscribe to the VELA calendar in the members’ area.

What is a ‘slack discussion forum’?

Slack is a business instant messenger platform. You will be able to chat with your fellow delegates in a dedicated channel for VELA. We'll have workrooms for the different modules, such as dismissal, discrimination, working time, employment status, and others, where you can post questions - and Daniel will be in the group helping out.